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Radar Speed Display
Specified or equivalent product

Radar Speed Display

Product group code: 4652560

Speed displays help to ensure safe traffic: The speed displays or speed display panels controlling do measure the vehicle speed in road traffic. They visualize the speed in real time and warn the driver if the speed limit is exceeded. This visual feedback, for example by displaying a sad face, is excellently recognizable and a friendly way of reprimanding the driver and asking him to get off the gas. The smiling face on the other hand, signals compliance with the permitted speed and praises the road user.

The speed displays are particularly suitable for traffic calming on school routes, in the vicinity of kindergartens and for securing company premises.

Price, VAT
31,11 € 39,04 € / day
607,12 € 761,94 € / month
Price includes Ramiturva service
You can see your contract prices in RamiSmart

Weight 29 kg
Length 0,2 m
Width 0,63 m
Height 0,79 m

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