Specified or equivalent product Puukkosahanterä 300 mm S1411DF PUU/METALLI Product group code: 51289 Bosh Price, VAT 0 % 25,5 % 7,17 € 9,00 € You can see your contract prices in RamiSmart Get a quote Added to cart Similar products Hammer Drill Bit TE-Y 30/37 Hammer Drill Bit TE-Y 30/37 HILTI TE-Y 30/37 SDS MAX Pointed chisel TE-CX SM 25 Pointed chisel TE-CX SM 25 HILTI TE-CP-SM Hammet Drill Bit TE-YX 30/57 Hammet Drill Bit TE-YX 30/57 HILTI TE-YX 30/57 SDS MAX Pistosahanterä HILTI W-CSJ U 90x2,5 Unicut Pistosahanterä HILTI W-CSJ U 90x2,5 Unicut HILTI Pistosahanterä 83MM T101 BIF LAMINAATTI Pistosahanterä 83MM T101 BIF LAMINAATTI Bosch T101 BIF SDS-Plus Drill Bit 10/16 SDS-Plus Drill Bit 10/16 Pyörösahanterä metallille 165 x 20mm Z40 (HILTI) Pyörösahanterä metallille 165 x 20mm Z40 (HILTI) HILTI Hammer Drill Bit TE-YX 35/37 Hammer Drill Bit TE-YX 35/37 HILTI TE-YX 35/37 SDS MAX Questions about the product? Contact our customer service! 0800 171 414 asiakaspalvelu@ramirent.fi
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